Nanotechnology for Sustainability: Towards attaining the World’s Sustainable Development Goals.
The 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa (NanoAfrica 2022) and the 6th South African Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Summer School will be hosted from 23 – 29 October 2022.
The deadlines:
Abstract submission: 15 April 2022 Acceptance notification: 15 May 2022 Full article submission: 15 July 2022
Aim and Scope
The conference provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers to share their research. The focus of this conference is to showcase how nanoscience and nanotechnology are assisting the wold in attaining sustainable developmental goals.
Apart from cutting edge research, this conference will also provide a platform for emerging researchers to present their work. The scientific program will feature plenary presentations, invited talks, panel discussions, oral and poster presentations and an insightful exhibition.
The conference will be on a virtual platform. A parallel physical attendance will also happen in Cape Town, South Africa. The physical attendance and event will be subject to restrictions and challenges posed by the ongoing Covid Pandemic.
Synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials.
Nanomaterials for water applications: detection, treatment and preservation.
Modelling of nanosystems.
Commercialisation and Industrialisation of nanotechnology.
Fabrication of nanosystems for sensing, diagnostics, imaging, magnetic and electronic applications.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology education and communication.
Nano-biotechnology and -biomedicine.
Nanomaterials for energy applications.
Nanotechnology and the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Toxicity, risk assessment and regulations of nanomaterials.
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